Minimal-overhead Lua wrapper for C++
▼Nluwra | |
►Ninternal | |
CFunction | A callable Lua value |
CFunction< void > | A callable Lua value without a return value |
CPushable | Arbitrary pushable value |
CReference | Handle for a reference |
CRefLifecycle | Lifecycle of a reference |
CReturnValue | A version of Value for pushing return values onto the stack. ReturnValue inherits push implementations from Value |
CReturnValue< const Type > | Alias for ReturnValue<Type> |
CReturnValue< const volatile Type > | Alias for ReturnValue<Type> |
CReturnValue< std::pair< First, Second > > | Enables std::pair as return type |
CReturnValue< std::tuple< Contents... > > | Enables std::tuple as return type |
CReturnValue< Type & > | Alias for ReturnValue<Type> |
CReturnValue< Type && > | Alias for ReturnValue<Type> |
CReturnValue< volatile Type > | Alias for ReturnValue<Type> |
CStateWrapper | Wrapper for a Lua state |
CTable | Allows you to inspect and modify Lua tables |
CValue | Enables reading/pushing for an arbitrary type |
CValue< bool > | Enables reading/pushing booleans |
CValue< CFunction > | Enables pushing for C functions |
CValue< char * > | Alias for Value<const char*> |
CValue< char[N]> | Alias for Value<const char*> |
CValue< const char * > | Enables reading/pushing strings as C strings |
CValue< const char[N]> | Alias for Value<const char*> |
CValue< const Type > | Alias for Value<Type> |
CValue< const void * > | Enables reading constant light data |
CValue< const volatile Type > | Alias for Value<Type> |
CValue< double > | |
CValue< float > | |
CValue< Function< Ret > > | Enables reading/pushing Lua functions |
CValue< internal::InferValueType > | Enables reading of type-infered values |
CValue< internal::Path< Parent, Key > > | |
CValue< internal::TableAccessor< Accessor > > | |
CValue< long double > | |
CValue< LuaType > | Enables reading the type of a value |
CValue< Pushable > | Enables pushing for Pushables |
CValue< Reference > | Enables referencing/dereferencing values |
CValue< RefLifecycle > | |
CValue< signed char > | |
CValue< signed int > | |
CValue< signed long int > | |
CValue< signed long long int > | |
CValue< signed short > | |
CValue< State * > | Enables reading Lua threads |
CValue< std::function< Ret(Args...)> > | Enables reading Lua functions as std::function |
CValue< std::list< Type > > | Enables pushing for std::list assuming Type is pushable |
CValue< std::map< Key, Type > > | Enables pushing and reading for std::map assuming Key and Type are pushable or readable |
CValue< std::nullptr_t > | Enables reading/pushing nil |
CValue< std::string > | Enables reading/pushing string as std::string |
CValue< std::vector< Type > > | Enables pushing for std::vector assuming Type is also pushable |
CValue< Table > | Enables reading/pushing tables |
CValue< Type & > | Alias for Value<Type> |
CValue< Type && > | Alias for Value<Type> |
CValue< unsigned char > | |
CValue< unsigned int > | |
CValue< unsigned long int > | |
CValue< unsigned long long int > | |
CValue< unsigned short > | |
CValue< UserType * > | Enables reading and pushing the arbitrary type UserType |
CValue< void * > | Enables reading/pushing light data |
CValue< volatile Type > | Alias for Value<Type> |