
A fundamental part of Luwra is the Value template which acts as a type class. It is used to define read and push behavior for certain types.

A type T is considered readable if a function T Value<T>::read(State*, int) exists. The return type of that function need not be T, instead it can be anything that is convertible to T.

A type T is considered pushable if a funtion void Value<T>::push(State*, T) exists. In order to avoid unnecessary copying, the second parameter type may also be const T&.

Default Implementations

Several useful specializations are provided out of the box.

C++ type Pushable Readable Lua type
bool yes yes boolean
signed char yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
signed short yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
signed int yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
signed long int yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
signed long long int yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
unsigned char yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
unsigned short yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
unsigned int yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
unsigned long int yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
unsigned long long int yes yes number (integer since 5.3)
float yes yes number
double yes yes number
long double yes yes number
const char* yes yes string
std::string yes yes string
std::nullptr_t yes yes nil
std::vector<T> yes no table
std::list<T> yes no table
std::map<K, V> yes yes table
lua_CFunction yes no function
Function yes yes function, table or userdata
Table yes yes table

Note: Some numeric types have a different size than their matching Lua type - they will be truncated during read or push operations.

Arbitrary and User Types

Value provides a catch-all generalization for types that do not have a specialization of Value. Although these types are not known to Luwra, they are pushable and readable.

Instances of these so-called user types are constructed on the Lua stack as a full userdata. Additionally, a metatable that is specific to the given user type is attached to the userdata. This metatable allows us to check whether a userdata is an instance of a specific user type.

push operations always copy or move instances of the user type onto the stack, whereas read operations always reference the user type value on the stack.

By default, the metatables that are attached to the user type values are empty. Because of this, they provide no functionality to Lua and are never destructed (underlying storage is just freed). You can change this behavior, read more in the User Types section.

Extending Value

You can customize the read and push behavior for your own type T. Simply modify the following snippet and insert it outside of any namespace.

namespace luwra {
    template <>
    struct Value<T> {
        static inline
        T read(State* state, int index) {
            return /* Return the instance of T that you have read at the given index */;

        static inline
        void push(State* state, const T& value) {
            // Push the given value on top of the stack

Return Values

The template ReturnValues extends the push functionality on top of Value by allowing more complex types to be pushed onto the stack.

ReturnValues makes it possible to use std::tuple<...> or std::pair<...> as return type of user-provided functions in order to mimic the ability of Lua functions to return multiple values at once.

Read and Type Errors

Luwra does not handle errors. Instead it delegates the error handling to Lua. See Error Handling in C for more information.

It is highly recommended that you use a version of Lua that has been compiled as C++. Doing otherwise might lead to improper stack unwinding in case of an error which causes resources to be leaked, since the calling of destructors is not guaranteed.